Friday, September 18, 2009

Last days of Summer

Well, now that summer is almost officially over, I suppose I had better post all the stuff that we did. It was jam packed with space camp, zoo camp, vacation Bible school, coastal trips, more day camps and birthday celebrations. Here is a glimpse:

DJ went to Space Camp in Atwater. He has been wanting to go for several years, they learned all about space and launching rockets and had a mock mission. He was definitely in his element!

Nick got to go to Zoo camp this year, and he had such a blast. He loves animals, and is so excited about learning just about anything. Poor Chris was too young for any day camps, but he "went to Quinn's house" if you ask him what camp he went to! (and he had a blast there!)

We didn't actually go camping this year, but resourceful kids will find a way! They are "roasting" fruit snacks over a night light.

We went to this great party at the Sands' house... an adults only 4th of July party with red, white, and blue food. I made a cake for one of the most talented guys I know, Mick Wingert, who shares his birthday with our country. (watch for him as the voice of Po on the new series "Kung Fu Panda) We lit this on fire, and it was cool!

Speaking of cool... 4th of July in Cambria is our family's tradition, we have a blast every year and freeze while we watch the fireworks. It sure beats the heat in Fresno.
Nick turned 4 on the 15th of July... more pictures to follow in another post!
Just some fun with Aunt Terry.... always a favorite, no matter what the season!
One of the last camps of the summer... DJ went to Magic Camp at the Discovery Center. Again, he was in his element... free time with legos & the science of some cool magic tricks. This is one of his creations.
Then.... summer fun came to an end. Another tradition is the first day of school ice cream! Fun was had by all
The end

DJ's talent show act